Canberra B
Total area | 19.44 m2 |
Wall area | 360x540 cm |
Wall thickness | 44 mm |
Building area | 19.44 m2 |
Windows | glass |
Door | liftable |
Netarea | 18.66 m2 |
Wall height | 222 cm |
Ridge height | 233 cm |
Roof area | 24.9 m2 |
Roof overhang | 40 cm |
Roof slope | 1.8 ° |
Pakage dimensions | A:630x114x60cm B:16x223x258 cm |
Package weight | A:1288kg B:142 kg |
4 653 €
See suurepäraselt modernsesse aeda sobituv Canberra garaaž on varustatud laudisega kaetud Hörmanni tõstuksega. Lisaks tulevad kaasa ka mattklaasiga aknad ja käiguuks, mis annavad ruumi valgust, samas on hoiustatav vara võõraste pilkude eest varjul.
Canberra B tech. info
Depending on the model, our garage delivery kit include the following:
- Impregnated subframe (depending on the model)
- All wall elements
- Windows (depending on the model)
- Doors (depending on the model)
- The roof structure with T&G roof boards, gable end boards and eaves boards.
- Storm fittings
- Installation accessories
- Installation instructions
The delivery-kit does not include:
- The floor assembly – can be ordered separately
- Roofing materials - these can be ordered separately, either roofing felt, bitumen shingles or Onduline self-adhesing aluminium roof film
- Delivery - can be ordered separately
- Installation - can be ordered separately (generally includes transportation)
- Finishing
Approved Estonian Quality !